Category: Iceland

A 10-Day Road Trip Through Iceland

Taking a 10-day road trip through Iceland was one of the most memorable experiences of my year abroad. With something exciting around every corner, there was never a dull moment in the itinerary. Giant waterfalls, gorgeous coastlines, and jaw-dropping views were an every day occurrence on this jam-packed Iceland trip. Any traveler who explores outside Reykjavik and off the beaten path will certainly not regret it.


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Hiking Laugavegur Trail in Iceland

Pictures of Iceland’s breathtaking scenery have recently made this discrete country a popular travel destination. Once thought of as a barren, unexciting place with freezing temperatures, Iceland is now known as a country with mysterious natural beauty. There are many things to do in Iceland, but for those who love hiking Laugavegur Trail boasts a beauty that is rarely seen elsewhere.


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